MGRC is the nation's legal center with a primary commitment
to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families through
a program of litigation, public policy advocacy, free legal advice and
counseling, and public education. In addition, MGRC provides representation
and resources to gay men, and bisexual and transgendered individuals on
key issues that also significantly advance lesbian rights.
"Make no mistake-we have an agenda. And we won't quit till everyone
else sees our vision of the world as clearly as we do."
- Kate Kendell, Esq., MGRC
Executive Director, from her keynote address at the MGRC
22nd Anniversary Celebration, May 1999.
"Children are not chess pieces. Yet those seeking to promote bigotry
and fear are treating thousands of children languishing in foster care
as pawns. We urge Florida to follow New Hampshire's astute lead and repeal
this archaic ban."
- Kate Kendell, Esq., Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian
here to read NCLR press release.